Prayers of the People for Pentecost 2

grayscale photography of people worshiping
Photo by Luis Quintero on

Blessed Saviour, you invite us to hold the needs of our sisters and brothers as dear to us as our own needs. Loving our neighbours as ourselves we offer our thanksgivings and our petitions on behalf of the church in the world saying: Shine in our lives

Let us pray for the church and especially for Justin our Archbishop; for the Anglican Church of Canada and the work of the church within the lives of women, men and children around the world. We pray for the Anglican church in Uganda, and the Episcopal church in Newark, USA. Locally we pray for the Parish of the Holy Spirit, the Parish of the Holy Trinity and the Parish of Indian Bay.  Open our ears to hear your word and draw us closer to you.

Lord of light                                                   Shine in our lives.

We pray today for all the individuals on the cemetery committee as they manage the cemeteries at Forest Road and Kenmount Road. Be with them as they make decisions that ensures that our final resting place is surrounded by light and love, a place to uphold the memory of those who have died.

Lord of light                                                   Shine in our lives.

Thank you, Lord, for the wise medical and political leadership and the brave front line workers during this Covid 19 pandemic. We pray for a safe transition into the next levels of safety and ask that you guide us to follow the rules that have been set up to keep us safe.

Lord of light                                                   Shine in our lives.

Creator God, you call us to love and serve you with body, mind and spirit through loving your creation and our sisters and brothers. Open our hearts in compassion to accept those who are different from ourselves in colour, culture, race, and sexual orientation. Guide us on our way to love our neighbour as ourselves.

Lord of light                                                   Shine in our lives.

We pray for those who are ill, lonely or in any sort of pain. We ask your blessing on Doris Cook, Pam Janes, David Hood, Ashton, Reg Thorne, Jr.  and others known to us who we now name either silently or aloud. (….pause) Please Lord, draw them close to you.

Lord of light                                                   Shine in our lives.

We pray for all who have died recently (especially Greta Dawe) We pray that they are at peace and those who mourn are comforted by the presence of your spirit.

Lord of light                                                   Shine in our lives.

Dear Lord, we ask that you give us the strength and courage to serve others in your name. Help us to understand their concerns and challenges and help us make them welcome in our lives. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen

The Prayers of the People were written by Marilyn Beaton. 

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